If you want to use your own egg donor, the person of interest will have to meet the set criteria/protocols as set by the fertility clinic that has its own protocol, and guidelines.
Egg Donor Requirements:
- Willing to travel to the clinic in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico for stimulation
- Between the ages of 19 and 31
- Physically healthy
- Psychologically healthy
- Have a BMI 19-26 [BMI Calculator]
- Regular, monthly menstrual periods
- Non-Smoker
- No current use of psychoactive drugs
- No history of substance abuse
- Have no recent history of piercings or tattoos 6 months prior to the donation
- No family history of inheritable genetic disorders
- Not be blood related to the person that will be receiving the donation
- Willing to take injections
- Dependable, mature, and compassionate